About Us
CFK & IPAK are a family-owned and operated outdoor gear company based in the USA, founded by Jason Baker and his wife Emily in 2020. We specialize in producing high-quality handmade knives and gear for outdoor enthusiasts. We believe that the right tools are essential to a successful outdoor adventure, and that's why we're dedicated to providing you and your family with the finest knives and gear that you deserve.
Jason Baker and his wife Emily originally founded CFK and IPAK knife brands back in 2004.
Our knives are the product of over two decades of dedicated craftsmanship and a relentless pursuit of perfection that we have reached with over 300,000 custom handmade knives sold with 100% customer satisfaction. Our one-of-a-kind knives embody our commitment to delivering exceptional quality that exceeds expectations.
Our knives are always handmade, never factory-machine made on an assembly line. Each knife is completely unique and a collectable item that is both beautiful and incredibly functional. When you get a CFK or IPAK knife, you're getting a knife built to withstand outdoor adventures and last a lifetime.
Our mission is to enhance your camping, hiking, hunting, and adventure experiences by equipping you with the tools and equipment that you need. We understand that the right gear can make all the difference in your outdoor pursuits.
As a small business our commitment is to quality, value, and communication, and is at the core of everything we do. We know that our knives are built for the rugged outdoors with the finest craftsmanship & durability, which is why we provide them with a lifetime replacement guarantee*.
At CFK & IPAK, we believe that your outdoor experiences should be memorable, fulfilling, and safe. We strive to ensure that you are fully equipped with the finest knives and gear to make your experiences the best they can be.