Product Reviews
Over 294,000 positive customer reviews.
Zero negative feedback.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just wanted to let you know - there are 4 things I really like about your company. 1st - you stand behind what you sell, & offer Great customer service. 2nd - you have a very broad & constantly changing selection. 3rd - you reply quickly to emails. And 4th - you take the time to list the DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS of every knife you sell. This is Thing I appreciate MORE THAN THAN anything else!! And you include good pictures, this also is most helpful. Keep up the good work.
- lessthantheleast
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
As a life-long knife collector/hard user, I wanted to say thank you for your work. After I received the first two, I can say I'm in love. I have my eye on 9 auctions currently, so this is just a heads up in the event that I win a few. Operations like yours are really making some of these other "custom" houses re-think their exorbitant selling prices, I'm sure. I, for one, can deeply appreciate these beautiful pieces for what they are. You have so many gorgeous designs. Lastly, don't let anyone rain on your parade by saying you "copied" their design. I see your knives as variations on other common designs out there. Hell, I've lost count of how many "Hinderer" and "Sebenza" type knives I have in my collection. Chinese knockoffs are another story. Thanks again for your craft. I hope to be graced with at least a few more auction victories!
- gio73714
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just wanted you to know that I received both knives last night. Those were the Ranger bowie knife and the Wind-Talker Bowie. I own Ka-bar knives, Condor knives, and ESSE 2,6. I am very very impressed with these two CFK bowie knives, they are so good looking and tough as nails. I’ll be looking at more of your products in the future.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Fantastic knife. Gorgeous blade. Handle fits like it was made for my hand.
It glides through printer paper.
- djk721963
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi my name is Brian and I just received the blade I ordered and just wanted to thank you. I inspected the blade since it handmade and I was very happy. I like the design and I can't find any defects or cracks in the blade, which to be honest, I worry a little bit about with reasonably priced handmade knives. It's got a great feel to it it fits perfectly in my hand and has a nice thick sheath. I did a quick sharpness test and it wasn't bad. I haven't tried cutting or slicing with it yet but so far in a very happy customer thank you.
- brianpolicastro
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
This is a sweet knife, having already purchased two of your knives I can honestly say I look at CFK before anywhere else.
- brwilson007
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Both the knife and patches are amazing, though this is my first experience with CFK cutlery, I am high impressed with your work and look forward to seeing what other knives CFK has to offer. Thanks again for everything!
- 6836andrew
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I really appreciate your professionalism. With good business ethics like this, I am confident you guys will thrive in the knife business. I really appreciate the great customer service and plan on being a loyal CFK customer for many years to come.
- starseller13
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey man, honestly thanks. I love your products. I spend basically as much as I can on your stuff. I have been a knife collector for many years. At this point it s more accurate to just call me a CFK/IPAK collector. Thanks again, you made my day. You generosity only serves to further my loyalty.
- herb.peis
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello, I knew i wanted one "or more" of your knives , I have giant hands and the photos and descriptions you give are spot on. I have a feeling when i show my friends this knife , your gonna get some more business. D2 steel and .250 tang thickness is serious stuff. Personally I love a heavy knife.
- digg_us_0xbgap
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
HI SIR! AMAZING KNIFE my friend!!! This is the perfect gift for a gentleman that is retiring from our company after 25 years. I have purchased a few knives from you and they are OUTSTANDING! I hope the Damascus is as razor sharp as the D2 knives I have received from you.
- gansbai
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Sir while I am now the proud owner of 2 of your knives and to be honest was shocked at the high quality of both knives and sheathes. This may seem like cheating but if your not cheating your not trying. By the way screw those idiots on the forums, you guys rock.
- carji41
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
HI, I told you that once I got back from my trip, you let me cancel a order and I was pleased that you did without asking or telling me how I shouldn't bid on things if you cant pay. I said as soon as I got back I would purchase one of your knifes because you were very kind in a time of need. So I kept my promise to you and I feel better about it now. Thanks for being decent about the other deal.
- henrys_new_and_used
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
While there exist some rather disparaging comments regarding your business model on the blogs and forums, it is my experienced opinion that a merchant doesn't exhibit the rating you display from eBay without considerable competent effort. My opinion is based on about 25 years of retail and marketing service. I look forward to enjoying what will be among my first acquisitions from your store.
- dlcmot1
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just bought 2 more of your knifes, I am impressed, the blade that you sent me was above and beyond what you said it would be it blew my mind... I know you hand bevel and grind them, I cannot believe that you also make the handle and leather sheath for that price... but either way f*%king Kudos; you guys are doing something right!
- jerryeamon206
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you so much for your wonderful knives and sheaths. Some were for me and some were gifts. Your work is amazing! I'm sure I'll be back soon. I'm a collector a hiker and a Falconer. So it comes in handy for all. Have a great holiday!
- theoldeendquotes
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I think that you make exceptional knives! Very proud to own and display them! Thank you again! If you ever need a referral you can use me. I love all my CFK knives!!!
- bearcat546
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey I have bought 3 blades from you in the last week and a half, I have to say I am seriously f*%king impressed... I am the highest bidder on 2 more, I cannot believe the quality for the price, now, please don't think I am accusing you of anything, but how do you do it??? I can tell the sheaths are kind of unisex to fit multiple blades at around the same length, but everything else seems totally custom, the variation in styles and lengths make it so that CNCing them would be hard to pull off but even if you had a machine making the cuts on the steel you would still have to hand bevel them all.... and Jesus the quality of the bevels are amazing! I am an aspiring blade maker myself and my hats off to you my friend... The only explanation I can come up with is you have a small team down there that are all experimenting with ideas and selling said experiments to the highest bidder on eBay, don't know how you do it man but I'm a fan... thanks for the blades!
- jerryeamon206
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi, you guys at CFK are some of the best Knife Makers! I am really happy with all of the knives I have won at Auction. I have quite a collection now and I am always waiting to see what you will make next. Keep up up the Great Work.
- pookie10_10
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Every blade I have bought I love and have been spreading your name to everyone that I know that loves good blades as much as I do hopefully it translates to more sales for you, cause you deserve it guys, I will be buying your products and showing them off as much as I can. Thanks CFK! Love your blades and openness to discuss your process.
- jerryeamon206
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
All I've got to say Ladies & Gentlemen is, "I am One happy camper!!!" These knives, are beautiful!!! At first I was a little apprehensive, Because let's face it, there is a lot of junk out there... You, Happily surprised me, even the knife sheath looks like saddle quality leather..
- jeffrustrated
Dear cfk-sample-knives,
The fit and finish are impeccable, they are razor sharp, and appear to be very solid pieces. I have been wrestling with exactly what took place in the transaction... Did I buy a high quality sheath and get an amazing knife for free, or did I buy a high quality knife and get an amazing sheath for free? I m thinking I got both! Lol! Great Package!
As you are aware, your company has been put in a negative light on some forums. After seeing these knives with my own eyes, I can see the reason why...Fear of lost market share.
For this very reason, I m strongly considering making my own YouTube channel and making your knives the first ones that I review. I haven t used your knives in the field yet. However, if they perform like they feel and appear, I can t wait!
- rmac1977
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you very much!! I received my 1st knife from you today and a am very impressed! Coupled with quality of 1st purchase and customer service I will be a long time customer and pass the word on.
- yabe10mm
Dear cfk-sample-knives,
Just want you to know that this is the best knife I have ever owned!! It is so nice! Love everything about it. I will most likely become a collector and use them for gifts.
- jerus-qx1yh4
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received my knife today (as promised) , I can't tell you how happy I am with it (110% Satisfied)!!! If all your knives are of this quality I will be buying more of them. This one is going to my son who is serving overseas defending our freedom. Thanks a million.
- macksog
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Good afternoon, I thought I would pass this on: I was just at a Gun Show yesterday looking for a knife to fit a sheath. Found one, but the over whelming comments on this sheath was outstanding. everyone that I showed the sheath too was so impressed with the quality of the workmanship and leather. Just wanted to share all the positive comments I received on this item.
- fangs69
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
This will be my third CFK knife, thank you for making amazing and affordable knives!
- gysb-jac
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to let you know I got my knife the other day and am totally stoked. Your blades are so badass. I'm super happy to have finally obtained one, thank you.
- barcode923
Dear cfk-sample-knives,
Hi!, I just received my knife, great massive handcrafted knife! Very satisfied!!! Thanks a lot! Looking forward to buy another one! Continue your great work!
- weeneygmc66
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Good morning!! Wanted to thank you for the knives. I'm up to 7 now.... And, in spite of the "blacksmiths" negative Facebook and forum blog comments, I am in love with the quality of these knives!!!! I am an industrial welder and a pipe-liner by trade and also an avid outdoorsman and prepper..... I refuse to put a knife into service and much less in one of my or one of my family members packs before I thoroughly test it out..... I don't blog nor do I post comments too often, but, wanted to let you know.....out of sheer curiosity, I bartered a CFK knife off my welding partner and subjected it to a destructive test with the equipment at the job site, and your knife just about demolished the tensile strength test equipment..... I was at 127,000 pounds when it finally exploded in two!! (And I think I could have gotten another 50k out of it had it not had the thumb grip slots cut in the top, as this was the point the tear started!!!) Whatever you're doing, keep it up!!!!! THANKS!
- danielgivens01
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I have purchased several (14 at last count) of your knives specifically for my son and grandson to inherit together with several beautiful knives from the Custom Knife shop out of London, England. That's how much I think of your knives. This particular knife I bought for my personal skinning knife for this falls deer/elk hunts-can't beat Damascus for field dressing deer and elk in my opinion. Thanks again for the beauty and quality of your knifes.
- centurian002010
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thanks for the reply! I like how you do things. This knife of yours that I purchased and received a few days ago is without a doubt the best knife I have ever been able to hold. Thank you very much!
- mamahog71
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Really didn't have enough characters to let you know how much the knife impressed me. Love the mirror finish on blade, the first knife to have one that I have purchased from you. Impressive all on its own. The over all quality, even down to leather work speaks volumes on all you do to create such fine pieces. The price point on blades that I have now allows me to keep looking for these unique knives an adding to my growing obsession with your work. Sharp blades at great prices. Thank you.
- alle_coch
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Sign of an excellent company dedicated to customer satisfaction. Love it! It's refreshing to see this in today's times!
- blue03c5
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to write you and tell you that I LOVE THIS KNIFE! You will find my positive feedback as:
"OUT-FREAKING-STANDING! Solid, great weight & craftsmanship. PERFECTION!”
- drd90
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I love this knife, the second one and not the last! The workmanship is top notch and the design is beautiful. Everyone I have shown it to has loved it.
- texasboyscout
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I can"t believe I finally won, one of your knives! This will be my second one of yours I have owned. You do a great job! I have put your blades to the old John Smith tests and they past . This one is mine, I promise to put it to good use!
- jaggededge11111
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello there... I thought I'd take a minute to tell you how pleased I am with my purchase .. I took this tracker knife out today and thoroughly beat on this blade as hard as I could... Not only did it perform all the tasks from fine push cutting, to chopping and batonning ... It cleaned 4 fish to fine fillets after I beat on it. I am more than impressed with your company... From the speed at which it was shipped, to all the tasks it was meant to do... It far exceeded my expectations... You sir have earned a loyal customer that will pass the word on to my buddies about the fit and function to the outstanding performance of this blade ... Looking forward to doing more future business indeed ... Have a wonderful day!
- davie3260_t3ebt7jdm
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just want to say thank you for providing such a quality product and at common man's price. I have purchased knives from you guys in the past and really appreciate the quality you guys bring to the market
- zorn8
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received the knife I ordered on eBay, and it was two days earlier than predicted, which was the first surprise of the transaction, as you can see I have an interest in anything that carries Special Forces in the description.
One has become accustomed to Special Forces being used to attract folks to a product that probably would not be something we would be carrying, in this case that is not applicable, I am delighted with the knife, I carried another knife from another well known brand from Vietnam to Afghanistan, and still have it, having thwarted the attempts of two of my sons, to take it with them to Panama, Central America, Iraq and Afghanistan. However, I must say had your knife been made back then, I would have taken it instead. It is a fine product, the sheath is of excellent quality and rugged, and I am extremely pleased with it. I intend to post positive feedback, and to look at more of your products, as my sons will probably try to make a move on this one.
Thanks again for an excellent product, and a superb transaction.
De Oppresso Liber
Jack Tobin
President, Special Forces Association
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I have a small knife shop in Ark. I use blanks from Sweden mainly, but have used other blanks before. I have found that the knife making community are some of the snobbiest people on the planet! I love the style of your knives, and wish I could find a high quality blank maker like you have. I'm gonna buy one of your bushcraft knives. Keep on rocking and don't sweat the snobs that are bringing you down! They are just jealous they have to do it the hard way and don't come out with a product like yours!
- bro.baptist
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just received two of the 3 I've recently purchased. Consider me impressed, with the exception that I am old enough now to fully appreciate that I don't know anything, really. But what I like, and I like these knives. Even the 2nd is impressive, so much that I am reluctant to take them out for a bashing. Keep the chatter alive on Bladeforums.com, where I occasionally post. Don't care where or how your knives are made, as they are more than a value to me. Thanks again. While there exist some rather disparaging comments regarding your business model, it is my experienced opinion that a merchant doesn't exhibit the rating you display from E-bay without considerable competent effort. My opinion is based on about 25 years of retail and marketing service. I look forward to enjoying what will be among my first acquisitions from your store.
- dlcmot1
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for outstanding service and a great product.
I am getting ready to write that review on-line next weekend. Heading to Big Bear Mountain.
I am looking forward to purchase a few more knives to have a good review on several CFK knives. I like the fact they are handmade and have that look. Production knives are ugly.
Keep on selling and making these blades we love them and I show my pride with your decal on my 4x4. I tell everyone in my knives fourm to buy one and try it they are amazing blades.
- fatboychevy
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I liked my first knife from you so much that I ordered another, I just wish I had found your products sooner. To be honest I had my doubts as to your claims as to quality, but it was true, I have knives that cost 5 times as much as I paid and the quality is the same as yours . Thank you so much for putting out an affordable product that I can depend on .
- carji41
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to send you guys a message to let you know that I love your knives. I plan on bringing everyone that I've purchased recently out into the woods with me in a couple weekends I'm going to Field test them all to see which ones are my favorite and I'll tell you they are quality my next thing is to get Doug from Yellow Hawk Custom Kydex to make me some sheaths for these bad boys. And I plan on getting one of those father and son sets for my dad and I for his birthday I just wanted to give you guys a "good job great work keep it up" you got a loyal customer with me
- jasostez7wjiej2
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I bought a blade from y’all a while back and was blown away buy the quality. I can’t wait to get a new one.
- dospow
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Your record for delivery of all items remains perfect. Thank you again for offering such a high quality product at a reasonable price. Your products and service are top notch and I have never been disappointed with any of the knives I have purchased. Thanks.
- cajunblades
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Hello, I am a member of a few website forums all on Knives. I keep hearing BS about CFK. So I purchased one ( new ) & one ( used ) to test and review. Both have a 1/4 " spine and are D2. I must say they both worked very well. I even cut down a 3" sapling with the used knife and then cut paper like it was new. I am going to write a web review about these two knives and let someone know my experience with CFK has been outstanding. My son is taking one of the CFK with him next weekend to put it through the most hell! Thank you for good quality steel and prices that are reasonable. I am tired of spending $350.00 for blades that are dull just as fast as cheaper knives.
D. Costa Mesa, CA
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you guys, always a pleasure! You treat return customers very well. Every knife person I know or meet I tell them to look your company up on ebay. Thanks again, keep up the good work!!
- taurusdaterrible6713
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I bought one of your knives a few months ago when I received it the first thing out of my mouth was WOW love your knives!
- buffalohorses
Dear cfk-sample-knives,
I received my two knives today. I have been a bit nervous because of the posts I have read on "bladeforums" And after getting your knives I gotta say, the negative comments are a bunch of bullshit!! These knives feel solid like any quality knife on the market. Thank you for making them affordable. I will be buying one of you D2 knives next. And will recommend your knives to anyone who will listen.
- aa_alamor1
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
hello,I bought a D2 tool steel buffalo horn hunter camp EDC (Every Day Carry) knife last week and when I got it I could not believe my eyes! The lines on the blade, wow. I'm buying another one this week. Please keep your knives true to the way you all started.
- baten-2ton
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
It is Monday, and I have received the knife: I am extremely pleased! I have a collection of some 250 knives, most of which are hand made. I know a decent piece when I see one. Thank you for offering a quality knife, wholesale, to the working class. I'm being a little jokey with you but I can see the workmanship at all points on this. The camel bone handle appears as ivory. The grinding is spot on.
- garyf516
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello I just received my handmade D2 steel Tracker knife. This Tracker type knife is extremely well made and very nice to look at. I am sure that the utility and usefulness goes way beyond looks and I can't wait to use it. The delivery of both my items was ultra-fast and I look forward to working with your company again. With Best Regards.
- jamstrac66
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you for a beautiful tool. I can't put it down. I'm amazed at how well balanced and lethally beautiful a tool it is. I feel blessed to have won it at such an obvious discount.
I look forward to your future offerings.
- daamal.i68v5cuvye
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just wanted to add to my feedback, the tracking was excellent made it to the other side of the world in no time. I love the knife, I am a knife maker myself and I love your product it is beautiful and I just wanted to you to know that I appreciate it. Thank You so very much
highest regards
- brutalbrital
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you for putting quality into you pieces. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to buy one as well. Soon I'm going to have to get a BIG mother f.... From you. Great knife, and great price. Just wanted to thank you for that. Take care.
- daddypinedax2
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
I love this knife. I almost bought one from a US competitor. Glad I didn't. Saw a couple of reviews of your knife and theirs. Every review says yours blows away theirs. Thank you.
- pammyallen865
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just purchased one knife from you and sadly a couple from your competitors. I just want to thank you so much for selling a solid product made from quality materials including what truly is a full leather sheath. I just wish your competitors described and sold their products with the same ethics as you all do.
- pao46r
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi Guys, just a note to let you know my awesome Dagger arrived today in great shape.
This is my second CFK blade and like the other is the best knife for the money on ebay. Hope to see you again soon.
- axeccents
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
dude, I’m so addicted to buying your knives lol, so simple yet such high quality and sturdy, very well done, keep up the good work you guys deserve the fame and riches that come from quality yet decent priced knives.
- 234246
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Holy cow! You people make a great product.
- 207rocks
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you again for all of your kind efforts. Not only do you sell great product, but if what you've done for me is typical, you also work hard to satisfy your customer. I look forward to buying from you down the road.
- greenmonstr34
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say this knife is amazing. You have a repeat customer for sure. Keep up the good work.
- justice1026
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Tested the knife. It works perfectly well in every aspect of bush crafting tasks. Holding the edge well, and I'm not considering any sharpening at all.
- albertthheo
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi--you've outdone yourself on this knife--it's beautiful--the ram's horn is awesome--guess you can tell my husband and I are so happy with our purchase--well, keep up the good work--we'll be watching your site--thanks again!
- ztc56
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Since I purchased my first knife from your company I have been following on facebook, I am very pleased with your blades, thanks again for the blades and great service!
- bladerunner70
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Received your knives and honestly these are really nice pieces. We do custom leather work and I wanted to let you know that we look forward to taking our nice sheaths and putting them with these very nice knives. I know I'm keeping at least one of the babies for myself. Thanks again
- 1999evo
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you again for far better quality than any other production knife available, even those considerably above your realm of cost.
- mrszoomboomafoogle
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Got my knife today....I have to convey my gratitude. Thank you for the blade. I love it, it's awesome to put it mildly. A few things that come to mind when I hold it are how it makes me feel; Manuel Noriega slicing that cake with the machete, a giant Yeti, Shaquille O'Neils giant hand not to mention the chopping power I weld while I have it in my hand. There isn't a single piece of scrap wood in my backyard that's safe. Again thank you iPak blades and the crew.
- mtl_blades
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey guys i just got my knife in today and let me tell you this. I'm honored to have such a beautiful knife and it's by far one of the best knife I own and I have hundreds in my collection that are handmade like yours. The quality of this knife is by far superior to any knife I own and believe me I will be buying more knives from you!! God bless guys! And thank you again !
- tscotty33
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello, I just wanted you to know how fantastic the knives are that you are producing !!!!! I have waited for years for someone who would build the kind of knives that you offer at quite reasonable prices. I've carried a knife since I was a kid with a pouch on my boot. About a year ago I decided to quit buying knives because of the lack of my kind of knives. You have changed that. Keep up the good work. J.A.E.
- blacksmith.302
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Ok. It's what I figured. Thank you and I just wanted to say CFK's knives are awesome. I appreciate the one of a kind craftsmanship. I've bought 5 knives from you guys and have not been disappointed yet. You just can't find this kind of custom quality materials and craftsmanship ANYWHERE for this kind of money. I was impressed with the sharpness of the last iPak V1 bushcraft tanto knife that I bought.... Anyways thanks again!
- dsmi6420
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say this knife is amazing I feel like I stole it for the price. You have a repeat customer for sure. Keep up the good work you guys are artists.
- justice1026
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you again for all of your kind efforts. Not only do you sell great product, but if what you've done for me is typical, you also work hard to satisfy your customer. I look forward to buying from you down the road.
- greenmonstr34
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Holy cow! You people make a great product.
- 207rocks
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Dude, I'm so addicted to buying your knives, so simple yet such high quality and sturdy, very well done, keep up the good work you guys deserve the fame and riches that come from quality yet decent priced knives. Glad I bought from you.
- 234246
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
About 3 weeks ago I bought one of the knives you had for sale, I was so impressed with the knife, I bought another. I will be buying another one for my collection as soon as I can save up the money.
I am a disabled veteran and live on a fixed income so I have to save a little out of each months check if I want to buy a knife. I am telling you this so you will understand that your product is such that I am willing to do these things to be able to afford your product. You and your staff should be proud of the fine craftmanship and the obvious attention to detail that goes into your knives.
Thank you so much for your time.
- republicadelaconcha
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I have heard a lot of good things about the CFK knives. I steered clear of them until now because I am a high end handmade and high end production knife collector. But everyone keeps bragging about the CFK knives so I finally decided to check them out for myself, lol. They will be passed on to loved ones when or if I pass away.
I won a CFK Ipak big bowie/survival knife. If it is as good and solid as it looks, then I am in for a real treat with it. I hope CFK at some point, produces some large blade hollow handle Rambo type knives. Maybe soon. Anyway, gotta run buddy. Take care and thanks!!
- 1ch_bri
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I noticed that there's quite a few people who buy lots of knives from you for collecting, have you noticed that? Just curious! I know I am one!
They are really nice and robust knives!
- celtic8cross
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello- Just wanted to compliment you on this seriously designed fighter knife. I do appreciate the blade top view too, as I'd wondered what the false edge grind might look like. You always cover it all. Thank you.
- val1292
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
You have made this old man very happy, you guy's make the Best Knife's in my book you are a 10 Star company!!!!
- cantu1151
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received the knife. Great blade design and balance. Real good feel in the hand. I left positive feedback. Thanks for a great knife.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received my knife yesterday, I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find the quality exceptional!! I have absolutely no complaints what so ever!! I have decided to make CFK the next knife maker whose products I not only collect, but use in the field as well!!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I apologize if I'm being such a pain, but when i recommend something to people i want it as refined as possible i know most people would not have the nit picks that i do nor the attention to detail. But since my recommendation to your knives sparked a debate within and around my circle i wanted to prove a point and stand my ground on it, even if it meant i had to do a bit of work to it myself. I just didn't wanna loose the guarantee by doing it that's all. But since you cleared that up for me ill go ahead and put a convex edge on it and polish the spine as much as i can. And thanks for the quick and real responses, at least i know that not only i get a good competitive product along with a lifetime replacement guarantee, i would also get a good customer service response should i need it. Hence i stand by my recommendations regarding your knives, and no you did not buy those recommendations. It is your product that i bought and payed for that earned it! tell that to those nay-sayers. Expect more business from me in the near future along with others from NAS Lemoore and Vandenburg AFB. Thanks and you have a great day!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
The CFK knives are some of the best I've seen. I've already got three, and a fourth will be delivered today.
You're not helping me at all with my knife collecting addiction! ; )
Thanks again!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
This is a compliment rather than a question. I Just received my first of a number of knives that I have purchased from you folks. I m not exactly sure why you are not charging twice the price. The quality of knife that came in the mail today was beyond expectation. You are definitely catering to us the blue collar man.. You have made an incredible product within reach of everyone.. Thank you, you re a rare breed....
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Wanted to let you know that I received my knife today. This is my first order from your company, but it will not be my last. I am kind of a knife junkie, a survivalist, and all around outdoor person. and one of my endeavors is finding a knife that is made the way a working knife should be. One that I'm not afraid to use or have to worry about hurting myself because it was cheaply made and broke while using.
I love your knife, the weight and the way it's made. I will be telling and showing everyone your product.
Excellent product!! Keep up the great work!!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I got the knife today. What a great knife!! Above and beyond all expectations!! Thank you so much. I will leave positive feedback for you.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello. I am just dropping you a quick thanks for the quality of the knives I purchased from your site. Most of the Damascus knives I have purchased for my collection have been over seas and of questionable quality. They make Great Wall hangers. The 3 knives I received from you are of user quality and this fall I will put them to the test in big game season.
Thanks again,
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
The comparable steel that Sandvik sells is 19C27. They sure do not call it "D2." And while in the same class, it is significantly different in chemistry. I own 238 knives from all over the world low mid and high end, I also have a few CFK Damascus and D2 blades and they are really nice! They made a marketing mistake because the D2 is DIN 1.2379 and the mistake was made because they sell a lot of Damascus knives made from 1095HC and Sandvik 15N20 who Sandvik eventually stopped making it and now they use a better quality 15n20 from Uddeholm. And to tell you the truth I have many other D2 knives that I sharpened and that's how I know its D2 there is no mistake there. RCH 62-63 chopped 4 16 penny nails in half with one chop no damage to edge! I bid on a large tanto tracker type 1/4 in. D2 won it for $35.00 they don't put buy it now prices on seconds or blemished knives they just auction them off so look real good at all the pic's if you decide you want to spend a bit on a knife you like for a collectable (wall hanger) or whatever. But bottom line after owning these knives I have nothing negative to say about CFK
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
I was the one who purchased the orange handle NW Buffalo Tanto knife (my birthday present). Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with this knife. Outstanding job on this model.This was my 2nd knife from you. Keep up the good work. I hope to be back for more.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
The accuracy or availability of the resulting translation is not guaranteed. Learn more I am impressed with the professional quality, excellent product, congratulations for the wonderful and beautiful knife, I am very happy, you gained a friend and fan. THE KNIFE IS BEAUTIFUL TOO.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
I have several TOPS knives, a TOPS Tracker, Entrek, Microtech. When I got a D2 from CFK in my hand I didn't want to use the other knives or need to anymore. A 9&5/8's long by 1/4 Inch thick blade is bullet proof, and their Kydex sheaths are the best I've ever seen. I've done Search & Rescue, climbed, hunted & fished since I was 2 years old, this is the only knife I use anymore. ?
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Good Morning, I bought this knife from you guys and i have got to tell you. The steel you use is awesome. I like a thin wide edge on my knife. A Little bit of work on your edge and this knife is performing better than other knifes I have paid twice the amount. Thanks for the quality.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I agree it was a sweet deal and one of the reasons I was drawn to it was the fact that it reminded me of the 110 which is my favorite knife after the 112. I also would like to mention that I have been following the heat you have been getting on a certain knife forum and I just want to say that haters are gonna hate, you just keep doing what you're doing and never mind them. All knife makers take from others in one shape or another all the time. You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Don't listen to the haters on your knives. You guys make some really awesome blades! Quality leather sheaths are nice but when you exhaust all your time and energy in a blade knife build its hard to get a really nice sheath made and keep your knife prices in the park. I know were you are coming from on that. I make hand made knives for myself I don't sell many and it takes as much time sometimes to build the sheath for the knife and then you can't get what you have in them because of combined time! So just keep doing what you guys do I think you have a really cool company going on here. hang tough again don't listen to haters.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey Guys, just wanted to send you a quick note. I just received my knife today and I couldn't be more pleased. I have owned and do own several big name brand knives but none of them have ever fit quite right but this knife absolutely just fits. Great looking, good balance,....love the longer handle, and it feels like it can cut through anything but not too big to clean game. Kudos to you guys, please keep up the good work!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just received my latest knife. I could not be happier. It is one brute of a knife and adheres very nicely to the " Sharp Pry bar " theory of knives. The sheath is also very good. The simple addition of a heavier belt loop that is sewn on instead of riveted was a nice touch. Now the quality of the loop matches up to the rest of the sheath. Looking forward to more purchases in the future.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi, This is my first CFK knife. I just want to tell you that for as long as you make knives you will always
have me as a customer! Your knives are beautiful True makes of art. These knives are tributes of American know how
and quality!! I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning (lol) I cannot wait for it to get here.
Thank You so much,
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Give it a few years J and they'll be worth more like 5-8 times as much Fact, keep up the good work kid cause they don't get any more Bad-ass than these for anywhere near the price, you've made sick blades accessible to thousands of collectors that otherwise never would have been able to own knives of this caliber kid, and your knives are the centerpieces of many a collection. Keep it up kid????...??OZZYBOSTONUSA??
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
CFK has got it right from the beginning.. Henry Ford built his dream of a car based on a dream of every American to own reliable transportation.
I just purchased three knifes for three very different purposes and they arrived the same day (ahead of time based on what I thought they would) i reviewed each purchase........ Long pause for a dramatic reasons: Each was made with pride as only a knife owner can see the value in craftsmanship! Based on this I will hold there is a new standard for me and it is CFK! Built to last and each for a purpose.... They have a variety that will suite most everyone needs...
Consumer advice: know what you want and they will deliver.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Loyal purchaser, 5 stars all the way around. Like to keep open lines of communication and wanted you to know where I was with recent purchases.. that is why I reached out... I am always flexible and expect I will continue to buy till my collection is over... LOL like that will happen.... Got to say every time I buy I am just waiting to see what you have done as far as quality and craftsmanship! I am a big fan, BSA
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I have been into knives a short time, Your knives are Everything you sell them as, This will be my 4th knife, most likely, not my last, I really like the larger, full tang blades. Thank You for Being Real, and making it reliable, and affordable. Take Care
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Received the knife today. This is my second knife and is as awesome as the first! I look forward to more and have passed your information on to friends. I left positive feedback.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Good morning CFK knives,I just received the survival knife, WOW!, outstanding workmanship.My hat's off to the craftsman who created this artistic, usable survival knife.Nice job and packaging. Thank you in allowing this redhead from Huntington Beach, CA., being able to purchase this great display of craftsmanship.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to let you know, that I have 3 of your other knives and LOVE them. Great Quality & Craftsmanship. Thanks
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
You folk are in the land I grew up in- I'm from Vancouver Washington, have climbed crater saint Helen's and grew up in a family of knife and axe makers- used to have an axe and knife range in my back yard --along with a forge. Hey I want to thank you guys for making some dynamite pieces and keeping the cost real. - D.T. - former Army Sergeant. Member of the Army Forces Command Audie Murphy club and former Civil Air Patrol Mountain Search and Rescue member.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received the knife today. I continue to be impressed with these knives. This will be my daily carry knife. I have collected a lot of knives of different makes and your knives rival the best. Keep up the great work. I left positive feedback for you.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi, Just a note to let you know I received my new Bowie knife and am thrilled and amazed at the quality for the price. Your "seconds" are better than most others "firsts". I'll be back for sure. Thanks Again.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received both this knife and the Bowie this evening. Two more excellent knives! Couldn't ask for any better! I left feedback for you.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
love, love, your knives. I go away to look elsewhere but always come back to CFK.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I bought this knife of you and I have already bought several knives of your,I now have 5 pieces of your fantastic knives in my possession, and many more will it be in the future. You manufacture stunning knives incredibly beautiful and with an incredibly high quality material, I just love your products.
from Sweden
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
This knife is truly a work of art. thanks
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I received this item recently and just wanted to say thank you. what a cool knife. the quality and attention to detail is amazing.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
this blade looks so sick. I love the FFG on it and how wide it is. It reminds me of a recon scout by cold steel, But on steroids. The logo and everything look great, and the file work is really nice. its nice how it still has that thick spine, and still FFG, as usually they slim the knife down when grinding it like that, since its not a hollow or saber grind.
Its slightly shorter like. 5" than say a recon scout, but the full tang, micarta handle, and sweet metal guard make it look so badass, compared to that production knife, and being in D2 i know it will be better than sk-5(1085) or even 01 i bet. The clip is wicked, and i love how you kept the curve the whole way from tip to ricasso. its looks like it would be a wicked slicer, plus have great penetration power. I'm definitely getting this one for sure!! 7" is perfect, and i like the handle too, instead of just black, the tan adds a little flare to it too, and the lanyard hole is nice. great def. survival knife
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi, just wanted to drop you a line and say that I am truly impressed with the quality of your products. The fit and finish is truly impressive, and not just the knife itself but the sheath too. I've already ordered a second one and I hope to get many more in the future. Thank you for delivering an extraordinary product at an incredible price.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I used to have one just like this i got off eBay from a competitor, i got 10 from him overall a few years ago, and i swore off eBay knives after that, and only bought production, Busse, or custom - till you showed up. Finally one with good build quality!!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I like how you do some of the special ones, as a buy it now - it would be nice to see a cpm-3v or something, i noticed you use 154cm on a few, that look really good, maybe then some of the knife elitists on bladeforums should shut up. lol - although i doubt that. its funny how, mainly most everyone who got a knife off you likes it very much, and i like them, and they stay sharp and work well. But, on bladeforums, you get a lot of shit about how you steal designs, like the tom brown tracker, and J.H. was pissed, about a few knives you made - but when tops or fox, or any other company makes a similar knife, they don't say anything, just because they have been around for awhile, and many of the makers on there also make copies of the same knives. And, all the Randall models, are constantly copied by cold steel for example, which copies everything from everyone, there are only so many ways to make a knife. its just funny, how into it they get about everything.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
The Bug Out Battle Hawk is the only thing I've found worth of putting in my wishlist... it is absolutely beautiful and seemingly endlessly functional... just felt the need to compliment this work of art to you... i know sometimes its hard to get feedback like that over eBay... keep up the good work man.
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I am a Welding Instructor for a college, I know Steel, metallurgy. This is the finest craftsmanship I have ever seen, simply beautiful. It's laid out to perfection in design and configuration. This is now a " Family Heirloom " to be passed down for generations to come! I have an extensive collection, this is the centerpiece of my collection!I can't express my appreciation for the opportunity to purchase this at such a wonderful price.I will treat it with such love, as it was a labor of love to make I'm sure! I tip my hat to you sir, with all due respect for a dying art of Craftsmanship, thank you from the heart!!! Please , for the next generation to understand craftsmanship, Please don't stop making these wonderful pieces of Steel and bone. Sincerely, Steve H. Senters Jr. Withlachoochee Technical College, Inverness fl. I just finished Metallurgy with my students, too bad I can't show them this!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I love that knife i got from you the other day, it is so sweet. I mirror polished the guard, which took me by surprise how hard it was, usually SS guards mirror up in 10 minutes or less, this was like tempered steel on the guard! lol. I also mirrored the back spine with the file work, and gave each side a nice satin finish, and then put a new convex edge at 3k grit on it, it looks great!! plus i added lotion and mink oil to the sheath. that steel is really hard, def 60 plus, it took a razor edge. hair poppin for sure! I like this knife too, waiting for a leather/Damascus, hope to see one soon, although this is really nice as well. By the way, everyone that came over for the holidays was gawking at your knives, and was really impressed.
happy new year
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Today I received the knife I bought from you just 9 days ago!! Super fast shipping to Sweden, Europe, despite New Years holidays!
I write to you to express my admiration of this truly piece of handcrafted art.
I have been collecting knives for half a century by now, owning and using several hundreds of knives in my service as officer of the Swedish Armed Forces, as well in my hobbies of hunting, trekking and sea kayaking. I have always tried out my knives in the field, but mostly been disappointed of the poor quality of the knives. I therefore consider myself quite skilled in judging how a good knife should be constructed to deserve being a "best friend in field". The full tang construction and the Damascus steel have proved to be most reliable to me.
The knife I purchased from you at a ridiculously low price seem to be what I have been looking for all my life: good quality combined with beautiful design!
I will be back!
You can quote me if you like!
Dear ipak-survival,
Just wanted to reach out to tell you that you make the best knives on eBay I love these knives I have an entire collection of your knives they are awesome I use them when I go hunting and everyone asked me where I get them from their freaking awesome keep doing what you do because you do a great job
- dannramire-88
Dear ipak-survival,
I just wanted to tell you, I bought one of your knives late last winter and have only now gotten to use it (hunting season). I have skinned out four animals, one being an elk which usually dulls the blade itself, and yet I have not needed to sharpen it. Hands down the best knife I have ever owned. Everything from edge, weight, balance, fit - 5 stars. Thanks, keep up the great work.
- tacmedic26
Dear ipak-survival,
Thank you very much...!!! We camp and fish up in the mountains of Utah... Wyoming... Idaho and Montana... and in the deserts in Arizona... Nevada...and Southern California. I actually carry and use CFK knives in the field. Like I said... I have a little collection. People always love my knives and ask me about them and I steer them your way to your ebay listings. I have cleaned fish... processed fire wood... and performed all types of cutting and chopping tasks with your blades and have never had one fail me yet. I have read a bunch of the negative talk on e forums but the proof is in the pudding. This will make an awesome addition to my collection. Will definitely be adding more. Thanks again...!!!
- rosedreamr
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
hey, i recently purchased a knife from you guys and i just wanted to reach out and say this is an amazing knife. the pinecone handle is awesome. i will definitely be buying more in the future for gifts and such. quality like this at a price like this is unbeatable. thank you
- aarus_12
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just recieved today a used knife from you and have now realized it is my first.Even though it was used and miss stamped I am very happy with this knife and the craftsmanship involved.I have another coming but I just wanted to say it's good to see people in our country taking pride in there work I've bought a lot of hand made knives on ebay but only a few have really impressed me and only one has inspired me to reach out so thank you
- johfidle-37
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say how impressed I am of the quality and craftsmanship of the knife I bought. Thank you ! I’m going to give the knife to a friend that served in the Army for several years in Kabul. He had a bad struggle with drinking , he quit drinking and is the friend I knew before his time in hell. He will truly be surprised with the knife . Thank you Parker
- parhar-78
Dear ipak-survival
This is the second knife I've bought from you and once again I am amazed how good it is for the price. WOW....JUST WOW!. I can't wait to buy another. Keep up the good work and fantastic quality!
- da_hadar_qvsoghh
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Just received the knife, absolutely love it. I purchased it for my brother as a gift. You can be guaranteed I will be buying a few for myself and letting my hunting and military buddies know about your knives. A+ thanks again!
- hmetse2x18
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Good day!
Just wanted to share how much I’m enjoying your knives!
I have an extensive collection of knives, wear different one daily the way some women change clothing. Since I’ve bought several of your knives I literally haven’t worn any other knife on my side other than CFK and IPAK. I try to leave feedback to influence bidding/purchase of your knives. Thank you for such a beautiful quality product! Very pleased and grateful! I hope sales boom greater than expected. Peace be with you, thanks again!
- jawbone2013
Dear cfk-cutlery-company
Got both knives and they’re awesome! The scales on the chopper are amazing, the best looking of all the knives in my collection and that’s no bs. The grain and texture (for the lack of words) are fantastic. If I can get my knee back into shape and get back to hiking again I’m gonna definitely be caring the chopper as my primary hiking and camp knife. I’ll definitely be watching out for other knives for my collection in the future.
Thank you,
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Gotta say, how Very impressed I am with this little boot knife I purchased from you. I've two other boot knives about this size. I bought from a high end custom maker that sold them here at a gun show a few years ago. This knife is better balanced & fits better in the hand & has a flawless quality to it. If you make the knives yourself that you sell, you should be very proud to offer them. The workmanship is superb period!! I was afraid EBay wasn't going to re list it. I spotted it a week or so ago & absolutely had to have it. I'll be leaving excellent Feedback on this buying experience. Thanks for the fast turnaround time on it.
- lee938084_4
Dear ipak-survival,
I was a little hesitant about buying this knife, especially with the price. I've been looking for a good tracker and was just going to give in and buy the parker(around $150) but saw this one and thought I'd give it a chance. VERY GLAD I DID! Very nice knife and exceeded all my expectations. Love the look, feel, and quality. I will be buying from you again!
- da_hadar_qvsoghh
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I have never left secondary feedback on ANY item I have every bought through ebay. I bought the brother to this knife as well. I just wanted you to know I was in shock after putting these two side by side... I felt like sending you more money... both of these knives are UNREAL. You even stated this one had a slight flaw.... I could never afford an expensive custom made knife until I found your knives, and that has taken me 50 years... Both knives were more than I could have ever imagined they would be. You have a customer for life. To everyone at CFK Cutlery Compnay, I wanted to send a heart felt thank you!!!
Warmest Regards,
- cejets
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Received this small hunter for my daughter on 10/13 it has field dressed 2 white tails by 10/19 without touching the edge, my daughter loves it. She did all this by her self. The knife handled this task without a hitch and made my job purely as advisor,thank you for a beautiful, functional work of art, we use your knives daily in our work and they have preformed every task effortlessly , it's such a joy to have quality knives that are dependable, beautiful and afforadable . I have placed a bid on another beauty you've made,
- flydo4765_otykmy
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say thank you for producing such a high quality product for not a back-breaking price. I used this knife this afternoon and put it through various bushcrafting tasks and it held up flawlessly. Even after all the chopping through logs it would still shave the hair off my arm and cut paper like butter. Absolutely loving my new knife and added a wrist strap of my own making for added personality. Thank You. Will purchase more of your products in the future.
- skyde670
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the quality of your knives and the speed in which you ship them . This was my 2nd new knife purchase and I couldn't be more pleased with the quality and design. From the edge and blade shape to the handle color and the amazing leather quality sheath... Even the size is absolutely perfect for my wife's hands. Everything is as I hoped and it was shipped on time for my wife to receive for Valentine's day ♥️ The fast shipping means a great deal and I appreciate everything you guys are doing and hope to purchase more knives in the future.
- freedomforever1911
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to let you know that I've reselling your knives to my co-workers on a very large project in Austin, TX. So far I've resold 12 knives, 2 of them haven't even been shipped to me yet! In your description you state " for the price, you won't find a better quality knives period". You couldn't have more on the money with that statement. Thank you sir. I look forward to doing much more business together. Ron King
- ro_ronki_wcd2lbca
Dear ipak-survival,
I received my knife today and I got to tell you I was really surprised and impressed. The quality of it great ! Nice heft and solid construction. Even with the minor flaw of the warp, it is a superior blade for the money. I just wanted to say Thank You and I appreciate your fast shipping . Bobby Lynch
- robertl4703
Dear ipak-survival,
As always great quality and very happy with my new bushcraft knife. Love my collection of CFK’s. Plan on leaving to my children and grand children. Please don’t forget us survivalist/bushcraft customers. Your products are the BOMB! Thank you so much and have a great weekend.
- dobyn0
Dear ipak-survival
My name is Ron the apparent winner of this Kukri. I apologize for the delay it was most definitely not intentional. I had placed bids on several of your items and earnestly believed I was out bid on them all except for the one that has already been processed. Again I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. On a side note I do not reach out to the seller of the wares I buy normally but I recieved my first order and could not be happier with the quality and attention to detail present in the workmanship. Thank you kindly. I deeply appreciate your dedication not only your craft but also to your customers. I will most assuredly be a return customer for as long as I am able. Best wishes to you and yours and please keep up your extraordinary work.
- re99-2
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hello, received the knife today. Just want to say that it’s an awesome knife. A great performance and great grip in hand.Sure thing is that you make the best knifes on eBay, no shelf queens but really great knives for daily use. Got 5 knives from you and all are perfect.
- bo-org
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
CFK, I just received my purchase, and it is awesome! The quality and craftsmanship is fantastic. When I won the auction for this knife, I knew that I made a good purchase. I have several other knives purchased off E-Bay, I want you to know that this is one I am proud to own! I will be back to purchase more, and encourage my friends to do the same. CFK ROCKS, Thank You for the "Great Deal"
- blkgt500
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey!! Just wanted to give you some props!! This knife is absolutely beautiful.. Thanks so much for doing what you do. Thanks again!!
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Got the knife today and to say i m in love is an understatement. Thank you so much for getting it out so quickly.
- yudhisthir-nevermore
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thanks Jason ! This is the FIRST product from your company that I have purchased . My friends who are current owners have nothing but great things to say about the knives . I'm looking forward to having a few . Thanks again.
- gmangy14
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just received my order, a day late, due to a USPS delay. The outer box was soaked with water and badly damaged. Because you took the time to separately pack each of the 2 knives in waterproof padded envelopes, the knives and sheaths escaped damage. Thank you for the diligent packaging!!!!
Also, these are my first 2 knives from CFK. I was leery to purchase them due to the limited reviews on YouTube and other online sources such as Amazon, etc. I am so happy I chose to buy them.
Initial impressions: I am extremely impressed with both of my knives. The blades are razor sharp. The handles are comfortable and well-formed. They look amazing!
Performance: If these hold up to my upcoming camping/bush-crafting adventures I will be buying more of your knives. I judge my knives based on their cutting and utilitarian aspects. I might do some light baton work with the larger #56613 knife but I am not going to try and chop a tree down with a knife (as commonly seen on YouTube).
thank you
- donh16196ak5
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Bother I wanted to contact you to let you know that originally I bought this knife because it looked like a Tom Brown tracker. I honestly wasn't expecting much, I am so glad to say though this knife is AMAZING!!!! I love your craftsmanship, the knife is sharp as hell right out the box. You have a customer for life my friend. Your blades are just as thick and well done as Topps or Kabar/Becker and at a fraction of the price!! I will buy my blades from you from now on, YOU ROCK!!
- pegu_cesa
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hey, just wanted to drop a line and say thank you! I was not sure that the quality would be....
"Up to snuff!" The prices were so good that I had a bit of doubt! The quality is there! Even exceeded what I was hoping for in my "best case scenario!!!" What a great knife! I will be a CFK customer from now on! Great quality and a great cutting edge!
Steve in Red Bluff
- norcalbuckslayer
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
If you ever have another one like this I would really like to have one very similar. We have been deer hunting this weekend and my buddy cleaned his deer with your knife and it went straight through bones. Incredible!
I won three other knifes of yours on eBay after watching him rant and rave while using it
- jone_qswligk3
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I am telling everyone! You guys are one if a kind! I am fairly picky, but there is nothing not to love! The knives are perfect! CFK is my new favorite knife! Case and Kershaw list a customer!
- norcalbuckslayer
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just wanted to say that this is a very impressive knife and more than worth what I paid. I have been looking for a karambit like this and most manufacturers seem to be scared of the weight. Thank you for your contribution as true craftsman in the Martial Arts.
- stephan_versomni
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just got the knife today, and I have to say, this is the most beautiful pocket folder I have ever seen! I'm in the military, and I see a lot of guys that have knives and multi tools of just about every kind you could think of. Sadly a lot of knives I see are made overseas, and truly lack quality. After having seen this knife, I can say without a doubt that I will be buying more knives here down the road. And it's even better, because I'm originally from Portland.Thanks so very much, looking forward to doing business with you again!
SrA T. K,, Nellis AFB NV
- officeofcivildefense
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thank you so much for getting me the sheath I wanted for that other knife. Y'all are top shelf and your knives are killer pieces of "functional art". Can't wait to get the battle raptors in my hand. She looks so good in the pictures. Thanks again! Have a good one.
- davidstoner10
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Thanks. It has been a heck of a journey. Looking back, even I have a hard time believing all the events that had to line up just so in order to lead me to where I am today.... I just bought that big D2 Bolo. Looking forward to taking it for a spin. After our discussion, I am very interested to see how some quality D2 performs.. The first knife arrived this afternoon and it almost to pretty to use for gutting animals, but alas, that is it's purpose & destiny. I touched up the edge with my Butcher's Steel and it will wipe the hair off your arm so fast, you can hardly believe it. I noticed there's no Maker's Mark on the Blade?
Take care and thanks for the correspondence
- baptised_by_fire
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Aloha, I got the wonderful knife today...two days ahead of the estimated delivery date. You packaged the knife very securely, so it arrived in perfect shape. You were right when you said that it is an excellent knife. It has a very nicely shaped blade...all of your photos on ebay reflect exactly what I received. Thank you for having such a high quality knife at a very reasonable price. The file work and the filled black area in the handle are works of art. I'm a Raku potter in a gallery and my knife would be at home in our gallery, but only a few will get to see it :). Take care of yourself.
- rakurudy2012
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
good morning! I have a fixed blade made by you and it the best camping-hiking knife I have ever owned!
- ravenstalker1975
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
You have a lifetime business with me i am busy getting a new store at moment and i will most definitely be ordering for the store's already have I’ve been running around getting things done but thank you for being a great business man and being very honest that is hard to find these days!
RT Custom knives, Survival Equipment
- cowboy5709
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I just received another one of your knives. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all of your efforts and hard work. The knives that I have purchased from you are absolutely outstanding. There will be more purchases in the future. I apologize for my rudeness regarding the Velcro patches. And again I wish to express my sympathies to all of you on your loss.
Very happy customer!
- bacwilsorober
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Hi guys. I received the D2 from you today...all I can say is HOLY S**T !! What an amazing knife for the price. I am extremely impressed with the workmanship. Has great balance and looks great! Keep making knives like this, and I (and my friends) will keep buying them!
Chicago, IL
- musiczone
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I've purchased two of your knives and have bid on many others. Looking around eBay, I've noticed a few sellers who try to imitate CFK cutlery in their ads and their knife designs. The displays look similar to CFK ads. However, you can tell the knives are not as good as the quality of the CFK blades. Often there are no bidders for these other knives. CFK blades have a certain cache to them and a level of quality that is lacking with other knife makers selling on ebay. There seems to be no shortage of bidders for the CFK blades (unfortunately for me!)
- gelhajo
Dear cfk-sample-knives,
Thank you sir and best regards! I am a Professional Chef, Hunter, Fisher, History nut and Outdoorsman. I work with people everyday that know blades, and steel, their mouths dropped open when they saw yours "CHEERS" Philip
- philnpcc
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
I appreciate your company and the hard work you guys do to get great looking budget knives into people s hands. CFK will be the first place I will look in the future. This knife is everything you said it would be.. The description is perfect..
Dear cfk-cutlery-company,
Just wanted to let you know this will be 11 knives I bought from you so far. I have been very impressed with the craftsmanship and quality. I tell people all the time I would not trade my CFK for a case or any other store bought brand and if they want a good quality knife to look you up. Thanks have a blessed day!
- roper61533
CFK Cutlery Company